This is a place where you can learn a little bit more about me, my interests and download my CV Jauk-Ajamie Daniela April 2024

I have been an assistant professor of Sociology and Criminal Justice at the University of Akron, OH, since the Fall of 2019, and I am also a Certified Clinical Sociological Practitioner. As a qualitative sociologist, I focus not only on questions of how oppression and privilege shape lived experiences but also on theoretical and methodological praxis for the advancement of human rights and equality. My interventionist scholarship falls into three lines of inquiry: (1) gender disparities within the U.S. criminal legal system with an emphasis on environmental justice; (2) intersectional criminology with an emphasis on sociological interventions to improve human rights and gender justice in a global perspective; and (3) women’s health with an emphasis on reproductive justice and community.
Latest Doings…
My first co-authored book, Gardening Behind Bars, will appear with Springer in Spring 2024. It concludes years of applied research on gardening in incarcerated settings. I stay in the field as a member of the Ecologies of Justice collective, and we are preparing an edited volume featuring incarcerated authors, practitioners, and scholars from all over the country.
I produce two unique teaching podcasts. My Corrections Close Up podcast contains 17 mini-interviews with criminal justice professionals. The podcast project Why Sociology? I created with Dr. Angela Adkins and so far it consists of eight episodes of interviews with Sociology graduates in applied career fields. More to come!
I am a member of Sociologists for Women in Society (serving on the publications committee) and I serve on the Board of the Association for Applied and Clinical Sociologists, as well as on the Board of RC46 of the International Sociological Association.
In spring 2018 I officially joined my friends at Queer STS and 2020 I got to co-edit two intriguing issues of the Queer STS Forum #5 about “doing” queer STS in pandemic time, featuring a cool collective writing piece from feminist mothering graz I helped birth years ago. The latest issue I co-edited is Queer STS Forum #7 (2022): Towards Academic Kindness – A queer-feminist string figure on kinder working cultures in academia.
I am honored to be board member of the Red Bird Center for Healing, and excited to serve on the advisory board for Chagrin Arts.
I was so excited that I got to comment on the amazing work of Liz Lerman on at the Dancing Conversation: Women & Witchcraft organized by the fabulous NCC Akron on May 20, 2021.