
Published Refereed Journal Articles

Daniela Jauk. 2014. “Insiderness, Outsiderness, and Situated Accessibility – How Women Activists Navigate UN’s Commission on the Status of Women” in Societies Without Borders. 9 (1): 69-95.  Special Issue on Gender and Human Rights.

Daniela Jauk. 2013. “Gender Violence Revisited – Lessons from Violent Victimization of Transgender Individuals.” Sexualities, 16(7):  807-825.

Cheryl Elman, Kathryn Feltey, Barbara Wittman and Daniela Jauk. 2013. “Drawn to the Land: the Life Course Consequences of Frontier Women’s Settlement over Two North Dakotan Land Booms, 1880-1910,”Social Science History.37(1):27-69;doi:10.1215/01455532-1958163

Sandra Spickard-Prettyman, Cheryl Ward, Daniela Jauk, Ghada Awad. 2013. “21st Century Learners: Voices of Students in a One-to-One STEM Environment” Journal of
Applied Learning Technology
. 2(4),6-15.

Robert Peralta and Daniela Jauk. 2011. “Drink, Gender and Sociology: A Brief Feminist Review & Critique of the Sociology of Alcohol-Use and Substance-Abuse Treatment Approaches,” Sociology Compass. Volume 5, Issue 10, p.882-897

Daniela Jauk and Katja Hartl. 2006. “Gendersensitive Governance in the field of transport: Researching women from the street,” in: European Spatial Research and Policy, Vol 13/2006/Number 1, pp. 23-47

Published Refereed Book Chapters

2016    (forthcoming) with Elli Scambor: “Mander es isch Zeit” – Akteur_innen, Denkformen, Diskurse und Argumente antifeministischer Männerarbeit in Österreich,” edited by Ulrich Peters, Juliane Lang, and Robert Claus, Marta Verlag

2016     (forthcoming) “International Trans*gender Movements” in Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Gender and Sexuality Studies. Edited by N. Naples, et al. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell

Daniela Jauk. 2014. “Invisible Lives, Silenced Violence: Transphobic Gender Violence in Global Perspective.” In: Advances in Gender Research, Vol. 13, Emerald Publishing. Editors: Marcia Segal and Vasilikie Demos. Pp 111-136, ISBN: 978-1-78350-110-6

Daniela Jauk. 2014.  “Transgender Rights as Human Rights” (sidebar) in Trans Bodies/Trans Selves, editor Laura Erickson-Schroth,

Cosima Pilz and Daniela Jauk. 2012. “Gendersensitive Governance im Bereich Verkehr und Mobilitaet,” in: Die intersektionelle Stadt, Elli Scambor, Frank Zimmer (eds.), Bielefeld: transcript

Daniela Jauk and Andreas Unterweger. 2006. “Mythos Lord Jim Loge,” in: Sexy Mythos. Selbst und Fremdbilder von Künstler/innen // Ideas and Images of Artists. NGBK. ISBN: 3-938515-01-5

Daniela Jauk. 2004. “Sex in the City – Gendermanifestierungen im öffentlichen urbanen Raum,” Sexismus- Übergriffe im Alltag, Gudrun Salmhofer (ed.) Innsbruck Wien Bozen:Studienverlag. ISBN: 978-3706540056

Daniela Jauk. 2003. “Interviews mit Wahlösterreicherinnen,” in: WOMENT! Eine Würdigung der Grazer FrauenStadtGeschichte. Dokumentation und Lesebuch. Bettina Behr, Ilse Wieser (Ed.) Innsbruck Wien Bozen:Studienverlag. ISBN: 978-3-7065-4064-3

Published Book Reviews

Daniela Jauk. 2015. Afshan Jafar, Erynn Masi de Casanova (Hrsg.) (2013):Global Beauty, Local Bodies.New York: Palgrave Macmillan, and Erynn Masi de Casanova, Afshan Jafar (Hrsg.) (2013): Bodies without Borders.New York: Palgrave Macmillan, in: Österreichische Zeitschrift fuer Soziologie, Vol. 40:2, June 2015, p. 233-235

Daniela Jauk. 2015. Anne Sophie Krossa (2013): Theorizing Society in a Global Context. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, in: Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie, Heft 2, Jg. 67, 2015, p.

Daniela Jauk. 2013. Chow, Esther Ngan-ling, Marcia Texler Segal, and Lin Tan. 2011.  Analyzing  gender, intersectionality, and multiple inequalities : global, transnational and local contexts. and Connell,         R. W. 2011. Confronting Equality-Gender, knowledge and global change. In Social Thought and Research, 32:117-124
(Forthcoming) Transgender Identities: Towards a Social Analysis of Gender Diversity by Sally Hines and Tam Sanger (2010);  Transgender Voices: Beyond Women and Men by Lori Girshik (2008) in Women’s Studies International

Daniela Jauk. 2012. Smoke Damage: Voices from the Front Lines of America’s Tobacco Wars (2011) by Michael Schwalbe                     in Visual Studies,Vol.27, Issue 2, Pp 215-216, DOI: 10.1080/1472586X.2012.642976

Daniela Jauk. 2011. Charting Women’s Journeys: From Addiction to Recovery. By Judith Grant (2008); Women in Alcoholics Anonymous: Recovery and Empowerment. By Jolene M. Sanders (2009); The Language of the Heart: A Cultural History of the Recovery Movement from Alcoholics Anonymous to Oprah Winfrey. By Trysh Travis (2010), in Gender and Society, Volume 25, No. 2, DOI: 10.1177/0891243210392221

Daniela Jauk. 2011. Public Toilets and Gender edited by Olga Gershenson and Barbara Penner (2010), in Visual Studies, Volume 26 Issue 1, 79, DOI:10.1080/1472586X.2010.502690

Daniela Jauk. 2010. Imagining Transgender. An Ethnography of a Category by David Valentine (2007) for Sex Roles, Volume 63, Numbers 5-6, 445-447, DOI:10.1007/s11199-010-9751-0, with Kathryn Feltey

Daniela Jauk. 2007. Das Gruppendiskussionsverfahren in der Forschungspraxis edited by Ralf Bohnsack, Aglaja Przyborski & Burkhart Schäffer (2006) in Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 8(3), Art. 12,

Other Publications in Journals, Newsletters, and Online

Daniela Jauk. 2013. “Fact Sheet on Gender, Sexualities, & Human Rights in the context of the UN,” commissioned by Sociologists for Women in Society,

Daniela Jauk. 2012. “How a CSW Meeting Works” and  with Barret Katuna et al. “At the UN: Reflections on the 56th session of the CSW” SWS Network News Fall 2012. 3, xxix(3)

Lee, Susan, Liliana Cisneros, Daniela Jauk, and Barret Katuna. 2011, “CSW 55: Global Advocacy for Women” SWS Network News Fall 2011, xxviii (3)

Daniela Jauk. 2011. “Interning with the Un Gender Analysis Unit” SWS Network News Spring 2011. xxviii(1)

Daniela Jauk. 2011. “Spirituality as a Vehicle for Social Change” invited Blogpost for the National Council for Research on Women (NCRW), Human Rights Forum,

Daniela Jauk. 2009. IDKE XVI, 2014, Vienna-Austria. A Self Fulfilling Prophecy. fiber. werkstoff für feminismus und popkultur. Issue 14/December 2008

Daniela Jauk. 2006. Photographs of Sani Pass tourism/South Africa. “The tourist guide as curator?” in: Stimulus Respond for The Urban Anthropologist. Issue 15-Home-December 2005. pp.78f.

Werner reichmann und Daniela Jauk. 2005. Conference Report, Tagungsbericht Grenz//Gänge, kultur-medien-ökonomie Graduiertenkonferenz Erlangen (2005) in Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie, 30.Jahrgang, Heft 1

Professional Reports

2005, Daniela Jauk and Cosima Pilz. Final Report: Gendersensitive Governance in the Field of Transport. Report to the Ministry of Education and Science: New Orientations for Democracy in Europe – research program, Austria.

2002, Daniela Jauk. “The Making on a Union Leader, ” in Gefährdete Rotte, Soziologische Einblicke in Öbb und Gde, Forschungsbericht 2002, Graz: Karl Franzens Universität